| Name
| mögl. Inhalt (Achtung: Nur ungefähr geschätzte Erfahrungswerte!)
| Ancient Red Papyrus
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 6th Floor (3,5%)
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 7th Floor (4,5%)
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Avarice (5,5%)
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Gnosis (12,5%)
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Strife (9,5%)
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Vengeance (1,5%)
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Awakening (5,5%)
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Calamity (3,5%)
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Descent (4,0%)
Ancient Epic, Chapter 1 (8,0%)
Ancient Epic, Chapter 2 (9,0%)
Ancient Epic, Chapter 3 (4,0%)
Ancient Epic, Chapter 4 (3,5%)
Ancient Epic, Chapter 5 (3,5%)
Imperial Genealogy 1 (5,5%)
Imperial Genealogy 2 (10,5%)
Imperial Genealogy 5 (5,0%)
| Ancient Blue Papyrus
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 6th Floor (1,5%)
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 7th Floor (1,0%)
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Avarice (1,0%)
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Gnosis (13,0%)
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Strife (13,0%)
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Vengeance (8,5%)
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Awakening (9,0%)
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Calamity (7,5%)
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Descent (3,0%)
Ancient Epic, Chapter 1 (1,5%)
Ancient Epic, Chapter 2 (11,0%)
Ancient Epic, Chapter 3 (5,0%)
Ancient Epic, Chapter 4 (8,5%)
Ancient Epic, Chapter 5 (1,0%)
Imperial Genealogy 1 (1,0%)
Imperial Genealogy 2 (10,0%)
Imperial Genealogy 5 (4,5%)
| Ancient White Papyrus
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 1st Floor (21,5%)
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 2nd Floor (10,5%)
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 3rd Floor (1,5%)
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 4th Floor (2,5%)
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 5th Floor (3,5%)
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 8th Floor (29,0%)
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 9th Floor (2,5%)
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 10th Floor (1,0%)
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 11th Floor (1,5%)
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 12th Floor (1,5%)
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 13th Floor (4,5%)
Imperial Genealogy 3 (2,5%)
Imperial Genealogy 4 (2,0%)
Musical Score - Theme of Battle (5,5%)
Musical Score - Theme of Love (2,5%)
Ancient Chain Letter (5,0%)
Ancient Joke Book (3,0%)
| Ancient Black Papyrus
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 1st Floor (14,0%)
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 2nd Floor (11,0%)
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 3rd Floor (12,5%)
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 4th Floor (10,0%)
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 5th Floor (1,5%)
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 8th Floor (14,0%)
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 9th Floor (12,5%)
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 10th Floor (8,5%)
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 11th Floor (1,5%)
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 12th Floor (1,5%)
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 13th Floor (1,0%)
Imperial Genealogy 3 (1,0%)
Imperial Genealogy 4 (1,5%)
Musical Score - Theme of Battle (2,0%)
Musical Score - Theme of Love (3,0%)
Ancient Chain Letter (1,5%)
Ancient Joke Book (3,0%)
| Name
| eintauschbar bei
| mögl. Belohnung
| Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 1st-13th Floor
| Warehouse Keeper Walderal (Warehouse, Aden)
| Man kann sich entscheiden, aus welchem Set man ein mögliches Rezept oder Keymat erhalten möchte: Dark Crystal:
Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet/Gloves/Boots (60%) oder
 Dark Crystal Helmet Design/Gloves Design/Boots Lining
Recipe: Sealed Tallum Helmet/Gloves/Boots (60%) oder
 Sealed Tallum Helmet Design/Gloves Design/Boots Lining
Recipe: Sealed Helmet/Gloves/Boots of Nightmare (60%) oder
 Sealed Nightmare Helmet Design/Gloves Design/Boots Lining
Recipe: Sealed Majestic Helmet/Gloves/Boots (60%) oder
 Sealed Majestic Helmet Design/Gloves Design/Boots Lining
| je 1x Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 1st-7th Floor je 2x Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 8th-13th Floor
oder je 2x Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 1st-7th Floor je 1x Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 8th-13th Floor
| Warehouse Keeper Emilio (Marktplatz, Giran)
| Man kann sich ein Rezept selbst aussuchen: Dark Crystal:
Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet/Gloves/Boots (60%)
Recipe: Sealed Tallum Helmet/Gloves/Boots (60%)
Recipe: Sealed Helmet/Gloves/Boots of Nightmare (60%)
Recipe: Sealed Majestic Helmet/Gloves/Boots (60%)
| Imperial Genealogy 1-5
| Grocer Holly (Grocery, Aden)
|  Dark Crystal Helmet Design/Gloves Design/Boots Lining
| Revelation of the Seals: Chapter 1-7
| Claudia Athebald (Zugang Aden Castle, Aden)
|  Sealed Nightmare Helmet Design/Gloves Design/Boots Lining
Magister Desmond (Magic Guild, Aden)
|  Sealed Majestic Helmet Design/Gloves Design/Boots Lining
| Ancient Epic, Chapter 1-5
| Antique Dealer Patrin (Grocery, Oren)
|  Sealed Tallum Helmet Design/Gloves Design/Boots Lining
Anbei nochmal eine Auflistung, welches Item in welchem Papyrus zu finden ist und wer diese droppt:
| Name
| enthalten in
| Drop von
| Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 1st Floor
| Ancient White Papyrus (21,5%)
| Messenger Angel, Lv 70, aggro (8th Floor)
Ancient Black Papyrus (14,0%)
| Platinum Guardian Prefect, Lv 74, aggro (9th und 10th Floor)
| Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 2nd Floor
| Ancient White Papyrus (10,5%)
| Messenger Angel, Lv 70, aggro (8th Floor)
Ancient Black Papyrus (11,0%)
| Platinum Guardian Prefect, Lv 74, aggro (9th und 10th Floor)
| Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 3rd Floor
| Ancient Black Papyrus (12,5%)
| Platinum Guardian Prefect, Lv 74, aggro (9th und 10th Floor)
Ancient White Papyrus (1,5%)
| Messenger Angel, Lv 70, aggro (8th Floor)
| Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 4th Floor
| Ancient Black Papyrus (10,0%)
| Platinum Guardian Prefect, Lv 74, aggro (9th und 10th Floor)
Ancient White Papyrus (2,5%)
| Messenger Angel, Lv 70, aggro (8th Floor)
| Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 5th Floor
| Ancient White Papyrus (3,5%)
| Messenger Angel, Lv 70, aggro (8th Floor)
Ancient Black Papyrus (1,5%)
| Platinum Guardian Prefect, Lv 74, aggro (9th und 10th Floor)
| Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 6th Floor
| Ancient Red Papyrus (3,5%)
| Corrupt Sage, Lv 64, aggro (3rd Floor) Erin Ediunce, Lv 66, aggro (4th Floor) Hallate's Inspector, Lv 68, aggro (5th Floor)
Ancient Blue Papyrus (1,5%)
| Platinum Tribe Overlord, Lv 71, aggro (7th Floor)
| Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 7th Floor
| Ancient Red Papyrus (4,5%)
| Corrupt Sage, Lv 64, aggro (3rd Floor) Erin Ediunce, Lv 66, aggro (4th Floor) Hallate's Inspector, Lv 68, aggro (5th Floor)
Ancient Blue Papyrus (1,0%)
| Platinum Tribe Overlord, Lv 71, aggro (7th Floor)
| Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 8th Floor
| Ancient White Papyrus (29,0%)
| Messenger Angel, Lv 70, aggro (8th Floor)
Ancient Black Papyrus (14,0%)
| Platinum Guardian Prefect, Lv 74, aggro (9th und 10th Floor)
| Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 9th Floor
| Ancient Black Papyrus (12,5%)
| Platinum Guardian Prefect, Lv 74, aggro (9th und 10th Floor)
Ancient White Papyrus (2,5%)
| Messenger Angel, Lv 70, aggro (8th Floor)
| Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 10th Floor
| Ancient Black Papyrus (8,5%)
| Platinum Guardian Prefect, Lv 74, aggro (9th und 10th Floor)
Ancient White Papyrus (1,0%)
| Messenger Angel, Lv 70, aggro (8th Floor)
| Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 11th Floor
| Ancient White Papyrus (1,5%)
| Messenger Angel, Lv 70, aggro (8th Floor)
Ancient Black Papyrus (1,5%)
| Platinum Guardian Prefect, Lv 74, aggro (9th und 10th Floor)
| Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 12th Floor
| Ancient White Papyrus (1,5%)
| Messenger Angel, Lv 70, aggro (8th Floor)
Ancient Black Papyrus (1,5%)
| Platinum Guardian Prefect, Lv 74, aggro (9th und 10th Floor)
| Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 13th Floor
| Ancient White Papyrus (4,5%)
| Messenger Angel, Lv 70, aggro (8th Floor)
Ancient Black Papyrus (1,0%)
| Platinum Guardian Prefect, Lv 74, aggro (9th und 10th Floor)
| Name
| enthalten in
| Drop von
| Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Avarice
| Ancient Red Papyrus (5,5%)
| Corrupt Sage, Lv 64, aggro (3rd Floor) Erin Ediunce, Lv 66, aggro (4th Floor) Hallate's Inspector, Lv 68, aggro (5th Floor)
Ancient Blue Papyrus (1,0%)
| Platinum Tribe Overlord, Lv 71, aggro (7th Floor)
| Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Gnosis
| Ancient Blue Papyrus (13,0%)
| Platinum Tribe Overlord, Lv 71, aggro (7th Floor)
Ancient Red Papyrus (12,5%)
| Corrupt Sage, Lv 64, aggro (3rd Floor) Erin Ediunce, Lv 66, aggro (4th Floor) Hallate's Inspector, Lv 68, aggro (5th Floor)
| Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Strife
| Ancient Blue Papyrus (13,0%)
| Platinum Tribe Overlord, Lv 71, aggro (7th Floor)
Ancient Red Papyrus (9,5%)
| Corrupt Sage, Lv 64, aggro (3rd Floor) Erin Ediunce, Lv 66, aggro (4th Floor) Hallate's Inspector, Lv 68, aggro (5th Floor)
| Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Vengeance
| Ancient Blue Papyrus (8,5%)
| Platinum Tribe Overlord, Lv 71, aggro (7th Floor)
Ancient Red Papyrus (1,5%)
| Corrupt Sage, Lv 64, aggro (3rd Floor) Erin Ediunce, Lv 66, aggro (4th Floor) Hallate's Inspector, Lv 68, aggro (5th Floor)
| Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Awakening
| Ancient Blue Papyrus (9,0%)
| Platinum Tribe Overlord, Lv 71, aggro (7th Floor)
Ancient Red Papyrus (5,5%)
| Corrupt Sage, Lv 64, aggro (3rd Floor) Erin Ediunce, Lv 66, aggro (4th Floor) Hallate's Inspector, Lv 68, aggro (5th Floor)
| Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Calamity
| Ancient Blue Papyrus (7,5%)
| Platinum Tribe Overlord, Lv 71, aggro (7th Floor)
Ancient Red Papyrus (3,5%)
| Corrupt Sage, Lv 64, aggro (3rd Floor) Erin Ediunce, Lv 66, aggro (4th Floor) Hallate's Inspector, Lv 68, aggro (5th Floor)
| Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Descent
| Ancient Red Papyrus (4,0%)
| Corrupt Sage, Lv 64, aggro (3rd Floor) Erin Ediunce, Lv 66, aggro (4th Floor) Hallate's Inspector, Lv 68, aggro (5th Floor)
Ancient Blue Papyrus (3,0%)
| Platinum Tribe Overlord, Lv 71, aggro (7th Floor)
| Name
| enthalten in
| Drop von
| Ancient Epic, Chapter 1
| Ancient Red Papyrus (8,0%)
| Corrupt Sage, Lv 64, aggro (3rd Floor) Erin Ediunce, Lv 66, aggro (4th Floor) Hallate's Inspector, Lv 68, aggro (5th Floor)
Ancient Blue Papyrus (1,5%)
| Platinum Tribe Overlord, Lv 71, aggro (7th Floor)
| Ancient Epic, Chapter 2
| Ancient Blue Papyrus (11,0%)
| Platinum Tribe Overlord, Lv 71, aggro (7th Floor)
Ancient Red Papyrus (9,0%)
| Corrupt Sage, Lv 64, aggro (3rd Floor) Erin Ediunce, Lv 66, aggro (4th Floor) Hallate's Inspector, Lv 68, aggro (5th Floor)
| Ancient Epic, Chapter 3
| Ancient Blue Papyrus (5,0%)
| Platinum Tribe Overlord, Lv 71, aggro (7th Floor)
Ancient Red Papyrus (4,0%)
| Corrupt Sage, Lv 64, aggro (3rd Floor) Erin Ediunce, Lv 66, aggro (4th Floor) Hallate's Inspector, Lv 68, aggro (5th Floor)
| Ancient Epic, Chapter 4
| Ancient Blue Papyrus (8,5%)
| Platinum Tribe Overlord, Lv 71, aggro (7th Floor)
Ancient Red Papyrus (3,5%)
| Corrupt Sage, Lv 64, aggro (3rd Floor) Erin Ediunce, Lv 66, aggro (4th Floor) Hallate's Inspector, Lv 68, aggro (5th Floor)
| Ancient Epic, Chapter 5
| Ancient Red Papyrus (3,5%)
| Corrupt Sage, Lv 64, aggro (3rd Floor) Erin Ediunce, Lv 66, aggro (4th Floor) Hallate's Inspector, Lv 68, aggro (5th Floor)
Ancient Blue Papyrus (1,0%)
| Platinum Tribe Overlord, Lv 71, aggro (7th Floor)
| Name
| enthalten in
| Drop von
| Imperial Genealogy 1
| Ancient Red Papyrus (5,5%)
| Corrupt Sage, Lv 64, aggro (3rd Floor) Erin Ediunce, Lv 66, aggro (4th Floor) Hallate's Inspector, Lv 68, aggro (5th Floor)
Ancient Blue Papyrus (1,0%)
| Platinum Tribe Overlord, Lv 71, aggro (7th Floor)
| Imperial Genealogy 2
| Ancient Red Papyrus (10,5%)
| Corrupt Sage, Lv 64, aggro (3rd Floor) Erin Ediunce, Lv 66, aggro (4th Floor) Hallate's Inspector, Lv 68, aggro (5th Floor)
Ancient Blue Papyrus (10,0%)
| Platinum Tribe Overlord, Lv 71, aggro (7th Floor)
| Imperial Genealogy 3
| Ancient White Papyrus (2,5%)
| Messenger Angel, Lv 70, aggro (8th Floor)
Ancient Black Papyrus (1,0%)
| Platinum Guardian Prefect, Lv 74, aggro (9th und 10th Floor)
| Imperial Genealogy 4
| Ancient White Papyrus (2,0%)
| Messenger Angel, Lv 70, aggro (8th Floor)
Ancient Black Papyrus (1,5%)
| Platinum Guardian Prefect, Lv 74, aggro (9th und 10th Floor)
| Imperial Genealogy 5
| Ancient Red Papyrus (5,0%)
| Corrupt Sage, Lv 64, aggro (3rd Floor) Erin Ediunce, Lv 66, aggro (4th Floor) Hallate's Inspector, Lv 68, aggro (5th Floor)
Ancient Blue Papyrus (4,5%)
| Platinum Tribe Overlord, Lv 71, aggro (7th Floor)