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Geschichte wird von den Siegern Geschrieben... so sei man stets auf der Jagd nach der Wahrheit und lese zwischen den Zeilen!



Vor langer Zeit, in einer Zeit noch vor den ersten Gedanken, gab es nur einen Globus in dem die gesamte Schöpfung vermischt war. Es gibt nichts womit es zu vergleichen wäre, zugleich groß und klein, dunkel und hell, alles und nichts.

Über einen Zeitraum von 100.000.000 Jahre begann der Globus zu wachsen und schließlich nahmen langsam zwei Mächte darin Form an. Während sie wuchsen entwickelten die Kräfte Bewusstsein, sie erlangten Kenntnis von ihrer Individualität und trennten sich in weißes Licht und Dunkelheit. Das weiße Licht formte eine weibliche Gestallt und nannte sich Einhasad. Die Dunkelheit formte sich als Mann und nannte sich Gran Kain.

Mit vereinten Kräften brachen die beiden aus aus dem Globus, welcher in Scherben jeder Art zersplitterte. Aus den Scherben formte sich die Welt, die Pflanzen und Tiere, und die Schöpfungskreaturen wie die Giganten, aber auch die 4 Riesenschildkröten Cruma und die Arachne wie Nerupa und Orfen. All jenen gemein war ein Langes Leben und großes Wissen.

Kurz darauf heirateten die beiden. Diese Verbindung gebar bald darauf 5 Kinder:

Als Göttin der Schöpfung formte Einhassad viele Formen, leer zu beginn welche ihre 4 ältesten mit ihren eigenen Kräften leben einhauchten.

Shilen hauchte der ersten Form, die ihre Mutter erschaffen hatte, den Geist des Wassers ein. So wurde die Rasse der Elfen erschaffen.

Pa'agrio hauchte der zweiten Form, die ihre Mutter erschaffen hatte, den Geist des Feuers ein. Auf diese Weise wurden die Orks erschaffen.

Maphr hauchte der dritten Form, die ihre Mutter erschaffen hatte, den Geist der Erde ein. So entstanden die Zwerge. Sayha hauchte der vierten Form, die ihre Mutter erschaffen hatte, den Geist des Windes ein. So entstanden die geflügelten Arteias.

Durch Einhasad's Schöpfung inspiriert wollte ihr Ehemann Gran Kain auch eine Rasse erschaffen. Leider hatten ihre Kinder die besten Essenzen schon Einhassad gegeben und alles was übrig blieb war der Geist stehenden und fauligem Wassers, der Geist vergehendem Feuers, der Geist öder und verseuchter Erde und der Geist wilden und verletzendem Winds. Mit diesen erschuf Gran Kain die Menschen nach seinem Abbild. [Anm. Die einzige Rasse die nach dem Aussehen eines Gottes erschaffen wurde] Natürlich waren diese Geschöpfe schwach, dumm, hinterlistig und feige. Alle anderen Götter schauten auf Gran Kain herab und von der Schande seines Fehlschlags überwältigt wand er sich von seiner Schöpfung ab und zog sich für eine Weile zurück.

Nun passierte etwas interessantes. Die Rassen welche Einhasad erschaffen hatte vergassen sie schnell und wählten ihre Kinder als schützende Gottheit. Orks beteten Pa'agrio an, Zwerge Maphr und so weiter. Im verbotenem Buch "Zwergischer Schöpfungsmythos", welches nun in der geheimen Bibliothek in Rune aufbewahrt wird steht, "Am Anfang war die große Schöpferin Maphr ... Mit der Hilfe Maphrs wurden die Zwerge erschaffen, die Rasse der Erde. Maphr lehrte den Zwergen Handwerk ...". Oder anders gesagt, wurde Einhasad als Einfluss kaum beachtet von den Zwergen, sie wird überhaupt so gut wie gar nicht genannt.

Aufstieg der Giganten

Von allen Schöpfungskreaturen waren die Giganten die herausragendsten. Sie waren weithin bekannt als die Weisen, denn ihre Intelligenz war ebenso groß wie ihre Stärke. Die Giganten versprachen den Glauben an Einhasad und Gran Kain in ehren zu halten, denn es waren die Aktionen dieser beiden Götter, welche sie und die Welt erschufen. Einhasad und Gran Kain waren zufrieden mit den Giganten und ernannten sie als Herren über alles Leben. Dies war zu einer Zeit als es keine Unterwelt und kein wahres Paradies gab und somit waren sie die Herren über alles außer den Göttern.

Die Rasse der Elfen war weise und war der Magie Fähig. Auch wenn sie weniger Weise als die Giganten waren. Daher erlaubten die Giganten ihnen bei Politik und Magie-bezogenen Aktivitäten zu dienen.

Die Rasse der Orks war Stark. Sie besaßen unerschöpfliche stärke und große Willensstärke. Dennoch waren sie nicht so stark wie die Giganten. Daher erlaubten die Giganten den Orks ihnen in Sachen Kriegsführung zu dienen. [Anm. Es ist unbekannt gegen wen Krieg geführt wurde. Vermutlich zwischen den Giganten selbst.]

Die Zwergen waren begabt. Sie waren gute Ingenieure, begabte Mathematiker und stachen hervor in feiner Handarbeit. Die Giganten erlaubten den Zwergen ihnen im Bankwesen und bei Bauarbeiten zu dienen.

Die geflügelten Arteias waren freiheitsliebend und besaßen endlose Neugier. Die Giganten wollten sie einfangen und unterwerfen, doch sobald ein Arteia in einen Käfig gesperrt wurde verlor er seine Stärke und starb. Die Giganten hatten keine Wahl, als sie frei fliegen zu lassen. Die Arteias besuchten die Städte der Giganten und erzählten Neuigkeiten aus allen Teilen der Welt.

Menschen hingegen konnten nichts gut und wurden so die Sklaven der Giganten. Sie mussten alle arten niederer Tätigkeiten erfüllen. Das Leben eines Menschen war nicht mehr Wert als das eines Tieres.

Der Fall der Giganten

Antike Geschichte

Aufstieg der Orks Bündnis der Elfen und Menschen Aufstieg der Menschen Bündnis Menschen und Orks Fall der Zwerge 2. Fall der Orks Herschaft der Menschen

After the fall of the Giants the Dwarves, who had worked as bookkeepers and engineers for that great race, established their own kingdom far in the north of the continent. The Dwarven Kingdom consisted of two provinces - Mlan, where the capital was located, and Schuttgart - as well as the Spine Mountains Mining Area. The Dwarves, being under a constant military threat from the other races, had started early on to exploit the rich deposits of coal and mithril in that mountain range, manufacturing truly excellent armor and weapons to make up for their lack in physical size. At the same time, the Dwarves also started to mine precious jewels, often with magic properties, which they used to craft special Earrings and Necklaces that gave them protection against the battle spells used by their enemies.

After the fall of the Giants, the Elves were first to take control of the situation, as they were the race responsible for politics during the time of the Giants. But as time passed, it became apparent that the Elves did not have the same ability to rule that the Giants had. The first to stand against the Elves were the Orcs: "Are the Elves stronger than we? No! Do the Elves have the right to rule over us? No! We cannot bear that those who are weaker than we dare to stand above us!"

The Orcs were skilled soldiers, fearless and proud, and, having lived only in peace, the Elves were no match for them. Most of the land became Orc territory in an instant, and they set up their capital at Rion, in the northwest of what is now known as the land of Elmore. That made the Orcs direct neighbors of the Dwarven Kingdom. Well paved roads connected Rion both with the Dwarven capital at Mlan and the industrial town of Schuttgart, and via those roads the Dwarves supplied the Orcs with high grade weapons and armor, receiving payment in animal products and medicinal plants. The Dwarves needed the big leather skins of Kasha Bears for the bellows in their forges, and the antidote that could be produced from the highland herbs was of vital importance to counteract the noxious gases in some of their mines.

This was a well working business relationship where Orcs and Dwarves both benefited.

But then the Humans stepped into the light of history. Those lowly, ape-like creatures approached the Elves, promising them help in their war against the Orcs. In a barely veiled barter trade the Elves were to teach the Humans magic to pay them for their military support. The Elves, being rather desperate, agreed to that trade. They told themselves that this request was no threat; the Humans were too weak, and they themselves certainly could not defeat the Orcs without help. Then the Humans quickly absorbed the ways of magic, learning much faster than the Elves had anticipated. The Human bodies, though not as strong as those of Orcs, had been strengthened through constant labor and infighting among their kind. They were adept with their hands and could skillfully wield weaponry, and more than anything else, their numbers were huge and impressive. In a short amount of time, the Human army became a formidable force.

Soon the Human-Elf alliance began to win more and more of their battles against the Orcs. As the tides of war turned in favor of the alliance, the Dwarves shifted allegiance from the Orcs and began to craft battle supplies for the Humans. With the stronger armor and sharp Dwarven weapons, the Humans could now overcome the Orc army, even without the aid of Elven forces. Eventually the war ended with the victory of the Human-Elf alliance. The Orcs were forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty and quickly retreated to their ancient heartland around Rion and the Immortal Plateau.

While Humans and Elves soon started to squabble among themselves, the Humans driving their former mentors back into the forests and becoming the virtual rulers of the continent, the Orcs slowly recovered their strength. Their numbers increased again, which naturally put a major strain on their economy. The northern lands are not suitable for agriculture, and apart from gathering wild fruit, people must survive by hunting. Once there were more hunters than animals of prey, a downward spiral started - the tribes were fighting among each other for the best hunting spots, then killing more animals than were born every spring, and often still could not feed their families at home. The game population dwindled, making the hunt ever more difficult.

Orcs being a warlike race to start with, the level of aggression within their society rose to a level that started to endanger the stability of the country. A solution had to be found. Since the food supply could not be increased from within the Orcish Kingdom, they decided to go to war against their neighbors. Their last defeat had taught them that Humans, in spite of their apparent weakness, were formidable foes. Dwarves, on the other hand, had good military equipment, but by far not the fighting skills of Orcs. In particular, the short people, being rational engineers, did not possess any shamans or wizards to provide them with support magic in battle.

The decision was taken. The Orcish tribes were going to war again. Young fighters were drafted into the army, shamans were trained in combat magic, and then, learning from past mistakes, the Orcs sent messengers to the Humans. It was agreed that there was to be a coordinated attack, the Human army marching from Goddard on the Dwarven provincial capital of Schuttgart, an industrial town the Humans were very much interested in, while the Orcs would take Mlan, wreaking revenge on the Dwarves for having betrayed them in the last war.

First the Human hordes swarmed up from Goddard and razed the provincial capital of Schuttgart to the ground. What had once been a thriving city of industry and commerce, famous all over the world for its Hanging Gardens, vanished from the map. In its stead the conquerors built a Human sized war town on the pattern of Goddard, with strong fortifications and even in times of peace only accessible via long stairs.

At the same time the Orcish armies marched in a pincer movement from Lansk and Rion on Mlan, the capital of the Dwarven Kingdom.The Dwarves fought heroically but to no avail. While trying to make a last stand, the Dwarven King fell before the gates of Mlan. He did succeed, however, in buying his people time to escape. The surviving Dwarves abandoned their old home and vanished into the huge subterranean labyrinth that connected the Town of Mlan with the mining areas in the Spine Mountains to the east. They made it to the Strip Mine there and settled nearby, in the place now known as Dwarven Village.

The Orcs could not enjoy their victory for long, though. As soon as the Humans had gained a firm foothold in the Schuttgart area, mopping up the scattered groups of young Dwarves who tried to organize a resistance movement, history repeated itself. Like after the last war they had turned against their Elven mentors, the Humans under Emperor Baium now turned against the Orcs, their armies marching over the old trade road on Rion. The Orcs were no match against the superior numbers of the Humans. They had to give up their capital and to retreat to the safety of the Immortal Plateau.

The refugees built for themselves a fortress-like village in the westernmost corner of the Immortal Plateau, in a place sheltered by high mountains from the ocean winds. There was nothing the Humans wanted on the Immortal Plateau, so they left the Orcs alone. Technically part of Schuttgart Territory, Orc Village only has to pay a reduced tax rate and is otherwise not a major factor in the power struggles within the Kingdom of Elmore. The tribal chiefs are wise enough to keep their distance from the Humans, no matter whether they are followers of Einhasad, Shilen or Triol.

Versteckter Aufstieg der Zwerge

Immediately after their arrival, through the mining labyrinths things were quite chaotic. The King was dead and no-one knew what had happened to the royal family, so the Dwarves found themselves suddenly without a ruler. But since many centuries there had already been all sorts of commerical and artisans' guilds in place, literally hundreds of them, which gave structure to the life of the average Dwarf, providing schooling and apprenticeship, arranging marriages and taking care of the elderly. After the war, the six biggest guilds joined in the Elder Council and took over the role of "stewards" for the absent King.

This was not a properly legitimzed government however. Guild tradition, which is always subject to long-drawn discussions among the Elders, can not be a substitute for a clear-cut written law or the iron will of a king. Soon, the absence of a powerful central rule made the Dwarves an easy prey for the other races who were exploiting them wherever they could. Especially after Shunaiman had established the Elmoreden Empire, the true oppression of the Dwarves began. Their young men were forced to serve as guards in the northern castles, and every year the tax collector from Rune carried away the fruits of their labor. But there is a legend handed down among the Dwarves that the son of their King survived the slaughter at Mlan. They are firmly convinced that one day a descendant of the Dwarven King will appear, expel the invaders from their lands and lead them to a new Golden Age. Therefore the Elder Council in Dwarven Village calls itself a "temporary affair", merely taking care of the day-to-day administration until the Dwarven Prince returns. The Six Guilds are: - Silver Scale Guild (trade) - Golden Wheel Guild (trade) - Gray Pillar Guild (construction and mining) - Iron Gate Guild (banking) - Black Anvil Guild (engineers and craftsmen)

In theory all of them are equal, but in reality it is the Iron Gate Guild, the biggest and most powerful among the Six Guilds, which controls Dwarven Society. This guild boasts a tradition of close to 1000 years; the borders drawn by Humans, or any of their laws, are of no relevance to them. From the snowy fields of Lansk in the northwest of the continent to the faraway land of Kandeef across the ocean, they do business with anybody who is willing to pay their prices. The other races all look down on the Dwarves, superciliously claiming that they think of nothing but money all day long. In reality, however, it would be safe to say that it is the Dwarves who run the economy of the continent, everybody being dependent on them. In other words, the Dwarves have spread their rule, their Kingdom without King, over the whole world.

Der Fall Shiliens

Gran Kain ist ein freizügiger und hemmungsloser Gott. So war er anfällig dafür Fehler zu begehen. Sein größter Fehler jedoch war es seine Tochter Shilen zu verführen. Die beiden hatten eine Affäre versteckt vor den Augen Einhasads. doch als Shilen schwanger wurde fand Einhasad alles über die Affäre heraus und der Zorn übermannte sie.

Als erstes enthob Einhasad Shilen ihrer Position als Göttin des Wassers und verbannte sie von dem Kontinent. Da Gran Kain sich nicht einmischte in die Situation wurde Shilen mit ihrem Schicksal alleien gelassen.

Die schwangere Shilen floh nach Osten. In dem Gebiet, welches heute als Dark Forrest bekannt ist kam die Zeit ihrer niederkunft. Während jeder schmerzhaften Wehe verfluchte sie Einhasad und Gran Kain.

Ihre Kinder, geboren aus Schmerz und Hass, trugen Hoffnungslosigkeit und Zorn im Herzen und wurden zu Dämonen. Uner ihnen waren die stärksten Kreaturen die Drachen.

6 Drachen wurden mit Verwünschungen gegen die 6 Götter geboren.

  • Antharas, the Dragon of Earth
  • Valakas, the Dragon of Fire
  • Fafurion, the Dragon of Water [Anm. Soll inzwischen tot sein]
  • Lindvior, the Dragon of Wind
  • Aulakiria, the Dragon of Light [Anm. Lebt heute mit Shilen zusammen in der Unterwelt]
  • Bael-Zael, the Dragon of Darkness [Anm. Lebt heute mit Shilen zusammen in der Unterwelt]

Shilen war erfüllt von Zorn gegen Einhasad, welche sie verbannte und Gran Kain, der sie verführte und dann fallen gelassen hatte. Sie versammelte ihre Kinder um sich und erschuf aus ihrer Stärke eine Armee um die Götter zu strafen.

Die stärksten Drachen sollten an vorderster Front kämpfen. Als Aulakiria dies hörte betrachtete sie ihre Mutter mit traurigen Augen und sprach:

"Muttter, du weißt nicht was du tust! Willst du wirklich ewige Zerstörung über die Götter Bringen? Willst du wirklich dass deine Mutter, dein Vater und deine Verwandten in Seen ihres eigenen Blutes ertrinken?"

Aber sie konnte Shilens Entschluss nicht ins wanken bringen.

So fielen die Dämonen in die Heimstatt der Götter ein und ein erbitterter Kampf entstand. Die Drachen zerstörten alles im Palast der Götter, selbst die Götter waren eingeschüchtert von der unglaublichen Kraft der Drachen. Die Schlacht schien ewig zu währen, doch wenn der KRieg nie zu einem Ende käme würde die Welt aufhören zu existieren und alles Leben würde ausgelöscht werden.

Zahllose Boten der Götter und Dämonen fanden ihr Ende. Jeden Tag erschütterte Donner und Blitz die Himmel, als die Armeen aufeinander prallten. Die Giganten und alles Leben auf der Erde bibberten vor Furcht, als sie den schrecklichen Kampf im Himmel beobachteten.

Der erbarmungslose Kampf ging über viele Jahre, doch letztendlich begann sich die Schlacht leicht für eine Seite zu entscheiden. Trotz der Leiden und vielen Verletzungen hatten Einhasad und Gran Kain die stärkeren Kräfte und vernichteten viele Dämonen.

Die Drachen kämpften unerschütterlich weiter, auch wenn sie tiefe Wunden hatten und übersät mit Narben waren. Nach einer Weile sah es so aus, als würde die Schlacht mit der Vernichtung von Shilens Armee enden. Kurz vor dem Ende breiteten die Drachen ihre Flügel aus und flohen zur Erde um zu entkommen. Alle Dämonen die überlebt hatten folgten ihnen. Die Götter versuchten die fliehende Armee zu töten, doch ihre eigenen Verletzungen hinderten sie daran. So konnten sie nichts anderes tun als zuzusehen wie die Drachen und Dämonen flohen.

Als Shilens Kinder eines nach dem anderen dahin schied überfiel sie endlose Traurigkeit. Die Traurigkeit überwältigte sie und sie nahm all jene Kinder die gestorben waren zu sich und erschuf so die Unterwelt. Und Shilen herrschte über sie.

Shuneiman's Blutlinie

  • Kinder Shiliens
  • Elmoreden
  • Anakim
  • "Kreutzzüg"
  • Erschaffung der 7 Siegel
  • Ende der Blutlinie mit Baium und Frintezza.

Aufstieg der Kinder Shiliens

After the Fall of Giants, the Elves, Orcs and Humans fought endless wars for domination of the continent. Many thousands died on the battlefield. Confronted with that kind of unprecedented destruction, the sentient races realized that death was an inseparable part of life, something nobody could escape. Of course, falling into an empty nothingness was something only the strongest among them could face. Most of the common folk, however, were yearning for a next world, some place where they could continue to exist in some way. Like the Orcs, who believed that the souls of brave fighters were consumed into the fires of Pa'agrio, the Humans also felt the need for a promise of reprieve after death. Having been considered as a failure and abandoned by their father Gran Kain, and since Einhasad, the source of all life, had not been involved in their creation, they began to direct their prayers to Shilen who had never been completely forgotten among them.

These devotees, often obsessed in a somewhat unhealthy way by thoughts about death and the afterlife, called themselves the Children of Shilen. Originally just a cult among soldiers accepting and embracing death, the new religion soon started to spread to other professions - farmers who had troops trampling their fields, merchants who had their wares looted, everybody found the idea of a next world quite appealing. When the Humans finally emerged victorious from the fierce wars between the races which had laid the whole continent in ashes, the Children of Shilen had become an important part of their society.

It was Lilith who in the early years of the Elmoreden Empire guided the Children of Shilen in the construction of their underground temples, later called "Catacombs", and whole cities under the earth, the so-called "Necropoli", which served both as a safe place to live and as military strongholds. The worshipers of Shilen believe that the Necropoli are located in places that are precisely in the middle between this life and the next life and that for this reason they will not die when they are killed there. The Necropoli were built in a style that was derived from the construction style used widely for temples and official buildings in the early years of the Elmoreden Empire. As can be seen from the irregular layout with standardized rooms connected by labyrinthine corridors, the Necropoli were constructed over a longer period of time, with new rooms being added again and again. Although the Necropoli were built by devout followers of Shilen, they do not contain any statues or frescoes of the goddess. In this respect Lilith was still under the influence of the old Giant culture, where the direct depiction of religious matters was frowned upon. Instead, a great number of statues showing guard soldiers were put up, which served as magical protectors of the underground cities.

Aufstieg Elmoredens

In order to prevent her daughter from destroying everything she had created at the beginning of time, Einhasad eventually sealed up Shilen in the Underworld, using up most of her power in the process and becoming effectively helpless herself. Therefore she sent her youngest child, Anakim, down to the earth, having her approach Shunaiman, the mightiest ruler of the time, and bestow on him divine power, power he was to use to fight Shilen's troops, the Lilim, and reinforce her imprisonment in the Underworld.


The youngest of the nine children was Anakim, who mostly assumed the form of a woman with three pairs of wings. Einhasad is said to have regarded her youngest daughter as her voice to carry her will to the creatures of the land. Anakim is an agent of light, surrounded in the flames of spirits, bringing down the power of revelation to the land, or to be more precise, acting as Einhasad's liaison with Emperor Shunaiman. By giving Shunaiman her own blood, she bestowed upon him the power to control the Nephilim combat machines, and by kissing him on the forehead she enabled him to communicate with the Grail of Splendor, in other words, to wield the power of light. In a religious sense here manifestation at Shunaiman's coronation was a "miracle", but it is also a historical fact. It was Anakim floating down from the sky, apparently giving Shunaiman's rule a "holy blessing", that provided the Emperor with the authority to rule over he continent, persecuting anybody who dared to speak up against him. For Shunaiman, Anakim was a weapon as important as the magic of light.


Not being worshipped any more is the worst thing that can happen to a deity. Gods live in the minds of people - if people don't think about them any more, they cease to exist. Einhasad urgently needed to do something. Trying to remind the races she had created that in fact she was their mother, that without the forms she had created, Orcs, Dwarves and all the others would never have come into existence, that would have been too much like whining for attention. So Einhasad adopted a different strategy. The Humans had been abandoned by Gran Kain in the wilderness, they had no way to communicate with their creator. Therefore they had developed a shamanistic religion that consisted in offering sacrifices to self-made gods of the Four Elements and worshiping their forefathers, conducting rites at their graves, imploring them to watch over their descendants. That was a situation Einhasad could make use of. When the Humans crowned Shunaiman, the leader of one of their clans, as emperor of the Elmoreden Empire, she sent down her daughter Anakim to give that enthronement her "divine blessing".

Being an extremely intelligent man, Shunaiman immediately seized the chance that was offered to him. He made Einhasad the patron deity of the new state, declaring her religion to be the only true faith while all other belief systems were denounced as heterodox cults, their adherents mercilessly persecuted. In all major towns of Elmore and Aden temples to Einhasad were built, with a statue of the goddess wielding her iconic sword in the back and the priests performing their rituals in front of her, under her eyes. Einhasad had given him political power, he gave Einhasad the worshipers she needed.

Having become the state religion, the Einhasad cult soon developed a momentum of its own. The clergy, keeping its lower ranks under control through a strict hierarchy, was on the side of the ruling class since the beginning, receiving their protection and donations, and indoctrinating the population in exchange, teaching the believers that the present feudal system was what the goddess wanted and approved of.

Of course not everybody shared that point of view. First of all there were the Children of Shilen, who refused to accept the blatant lie that mankind was not created by Gran Kain but by his wife. As a religious organization the Children of Shilen were subject to severe persecution, and most of them retired in the end to the continent of Gracia in the west. Their place was taken by the Revolutionary Army of Dusk, followers of Shilen who are waging a bloody war against the Lords of Dawn, as they call themselves, striving for the control of Shunaiman's Seals.

And there are also heretics within the Einhasad clergy, like for example Preacher Sla who has left Giran for the Plains of Dion where she has collected a considerable number of followers who want to reform the Einhasad Church, maybe not from within, but from the fringes.

"Kreuzzug" gegen die Ungläubigen

Later Emperor Shunaiman decreed the Einhasad worship to be the only true religion and started a widespread persecution of all who dared to disagree, with the Children of Shilen becoming the main target of that crusade. Being faced with an army of robot-like Nephilim under the command of Einhasad's daughter Anakim, they suffered a temporary setback and were forced into hiding. Recently, however, the Children of Shilen succeeded in growing the Seed of Infinity and the Seed of Destruction on the continent of Gracia, which gave their movement a new impetus.

In the course of time, Shunaiman cast seven seals, the Seal of Gnosis, the Seal of Avarice, the Seal of Strife, the Seal of Awakening, the Seal of Vengeance, the Seal of Calamity, and the Seal of Descent. That effectively prevented Shilen from leaving the Underworld, and she fell into a deep sleep.

The power of those Seven Seals could only be controlled by Shunaiman's direct descendants. After his bloodline came to an end with Baium and Frintezza, however, the Age of Chaos broke out. Two major factions, the Lords of Dawn and the Revolutionaries of Dusk were striving for control of the Seals until eventually four of the seven Seals were broken. The fifth Seal has also become unstable, and Shilen, who has slept in the Darkness for so long, is opening her eyes...

Gracia Krieg? Harbingers of War? Age of Splendor?

Der Bruch der Siegel


Hier sind wir Spieler schuld, egal ob wir nun den Dusk oder Dawn geholfen haben.


Das Siegel von Avarice (Verlangen), wurde wahrscheinlich so benannt wegen der Ereignisse die um seine Entstehung stattfanden. Dieses Siegel sperrt Anakim und Lilith sowie deren Truppen in die Necropolen ein. Folgendes wurde über das Siegel von Avarice geschrieben: In the process of casting the Seal of Gnosis, Emperor Shunaiman and his followers are said to have gained the ability to tell the future. Perhaps this was derived from the power of Einhasad, that of Shilen, or from the gods themselves. Soon after the Seal of Gnosis was cast, the followers of Einhasad foretold of a black snake slithering on the ground. This was a sign of an unfortunate threat soon to be revealed true. The followers of Shilen thrived under Lilith's leadership, greatly enhancing their forces and reestablishing the army of Lilim in the eight underground cities of the Necropoli. They performed ceremonies to call forth Shilen from the afterworld. The emperor, having forfeited the majority of his army for control of the Catacombs, was unable to force his citizens into war, yet again to deal with this new threat. A Dwarf appeared before the emperor. As representative of the Dwarven guild called the Merchants of Mammon, he offered to lend the king funds to form a new military. The suspicious emperor asked about his motives. The Dwarf of Mammon explained that his guild had been supporting the Children of Shilen, but the stars overseeing the fate of times had changed. Therefore, they decided to do business with the forces of Einhasad, who were newly foreseen as the victors. Although this mysterious Dwarf group seemed untrustworthy, the emperor could discern no falsehood in the Dwarf's words. The weapons and armor he offered were of such high quality they were difficult to refuse. The emperor and the Merchants of Mammon were said to have signed a contract of unknown details. Few records of the Merchants of Mammon exist, but they recognize the Mammon and tell that the future of wealth and business flow with the movements of the stars. It is known they were expelled from the Dwarven kingdom. Surprisingly, this guild is said to survive even to this day. Emperor Shunaiman was the sponsor for this guild. He was able to form a new Nephilim army and launch an attack on the Necropoli. That he was able to lead such a holy war was thanks to none other than Anakim, the representative of Einhasad. In the darkness of the underground, the armies of light and death fought fiercely. Blood scattered in all directions, filling the rivers, seas, and even the skies with a red energy. The multitudes trembled, but the emperor saw that a new era was beginning. Silently, he waited until the time was right. Finally, Lilith, the daughter of Shilen, cloaked herself in the power of darkness and arose, but Anakim came forward to block her. This girl of pure white flew through the sky on three pairs of wings. But the final victor of the battle was not Anakim or Lilith. Emperor Shunaiman cast a spell of sealing as the forces of light and death entered into the Necropoli, entombing the forces of Shilen, along with Anakim and the Nephilim. This second seal was called the Seal of Avarice. One might guess this is due to the secret contract between the emperor and the Merchants of Mammon. History of the Empire 1731, from "The Hidden History of Elmoreden" as recorded by Historian Mateo of the Ivory Tower

Hier sind wir Spieler schuld, egal ob wir nun den Dusk oder Dawn geholfen haben.


Hier sind wir Spieler schuld, egal ob wir nun den Dusk oder Dawn geholfen haben.


Angeblich durch die Aktivitäten der Menschen bereits gebrochen. Leider habe ich keinerlei Infos dazu finden können. Wer was weiß immer reinschreiben.


Die Kraft des Siegels nimmt beständig ab. Das Auge Shilens, welches immer Häufiger den Mond zeichnet ist ein gutes Beispiel davon. Wird es erst gebrochen sein wird Shilen gänzlich erwachen und ihr Auge stets über die Welt wandern auf der suche nach brauchbaren Opfern um ihre Wiederauferstehung zu beschleunigen. Ihr Atem wird die Städte und Dörfer in Panik versetzen und Rot von Blut wird es vom Himmel regnen. [Anm. Teilweise wohl übertriebene Überlieferung vgl. Offenbarung des Johannes]


Es ist nicht viel über den Zweck dieses Siegels bekannt, nur dass der Bruch mit einem großen Unheil einhergehen wird.


Es ist nicht viel über dieses Siegel bekannt, allerdings wird sein Bruch mit dem wiederkehren einer Gottheit verbunden, vermutlich Shilen.

Was gerade passiert... Das Ende ist nahe!

Because of the humans, four of the seven seals have been opened. As the fifth seal begins to waver and tremble, Shilen opens her eyes after a long period of dark slumber. She regains consciousness and immediately begins to search for ways to open the remaining seals. But, in order to regain her full power, Shilen must defeat Einhasad. Shilen understands that a great sacrifice must be made before she would be able to challenge her mother.

First, Shilen sacrifices the followers of the Catacombs and Necropolis, and creates the Moon of Shilen to be her eyes so that she could watch over the world as she continues looking for the object of great sacrifice that will help her regain power. Soon after her eyes open, Shilen lets out a breath full of a deep red color, which tarnishes the sky into the color blood, enveloping the world in confusion and terror.

With the Moon of Shilen she is surveying the world, assiduously searching for "sacrificial animals" which are suitable to be slaughtered in order to achieve her resurrection. No-one can hide from Shilen's probing eye. Under a sky dyed blood red, fear and terror are creeping into the world, unrest starts to spread in Aden and Elmore.

The first people to understand that Shilen is awakening are the Dark Elves. They know from Kaysha's Revelation that the appearance of the Moon of Shilen, sacrifices performed in the Catacombs and Necropoli, and the blood red sky are all signs and portents for the imminent resurrection of Shilen. The Dark Elves gather in their ancestral village and began to pray for Shilen's arrival.

Among all the other races, the Moon of Shilen is causing an eery tension, an unspeakable trepidation. King Amadeo Cadmus of Aden, at the moment the mightiest ruler on the continent, can not help but notice what is going on among his subjects. Carrying the burden of responsibility for all of them, he summons the most famous scholars of the continent to the royal castle at Aden and charges them with conducting research on the goddess of death. At the same time he is organizing an army which shall oppose the approaching forces of Shilen. Amadeo Cadmus is coming to realize that the endeavors to analyze the behavior of the goddess are quite futile.

In that situation the great magician Einhovant, who is by now several hundred years old, appears and predicts that the continent will have to repeatedly undergo bitterness and pain. But Einhovant also says that if some persons could obtain the power of the Giants, who had once challenged the gods and dared to fight with them on an even footing, the destruction of the world might be delayed. He suggests that the heroes of Aden and Elmore immediately start seeking the power of the Giants.

Although Einhovant is a mage of great renown, there is something vaguely disquieting about the old man. King Amadeo Cadmus is carefully pondering his suggestion, sitting there sunk deep in thought. Then Einhovant raises his voice: "Only by obtaining the power of the Giants, which is equal to that of the gods, the supremacy of mankind, its very existence, can be ensured!" Will the prophetic hero appear soon ?

Was kommt auf uns zu?

The Goddess of Destruction dropped and broke an item called "E Sagira" in order to release the spirit of the Giant Hermuncus from within. Shilen and the Giants went back a long way: She had once approached and persuaded the Giants, a tribe that desired to become gods, to steal power from the god Einhasad.

However, the Giants incurred the wrath of the God and brought themselves to ruin. Their last survivor, Hermuncus, hid Einhasad's power somewhere deep in a lost dimension, after realizing that his tribe had been used by Shilen's evil conspiracy. Shilen dropped E Sagira, hoping to seize Einhasad's power, which had been hidden by Hermuncus, while inevitably giving the Giant a chance to revive his tribe.

Hermuncus, thus awakened, laughed at the gods that had ended up confining themselves while struggling for power against each other. Determined to release himself from his shackles and reclaim the world from his nemesis, the gods, Hermuncus made a proposition to the panicked Humans, who, at the verge of the end of the world, were unable to communicate with their gods. The Humans reluctantly accepted his proposition: to help him revive his tribe, in return for which he would awaken their latent power.

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