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Alle diese Waffen droppen von den jeweiligen Bossen.SA Kristall richtet sich nach dem Grad der Bosswaffe.

Hero Waffen

Als besondere Belohnung können Heros sich eine Waffe aussuchen. Diese verschwindet mit Beginn des neuen Saisaon, hält also nur 1 Monat. Sie sind etwas bessere S-Grade Waffen, welche besonders im PvP nützliche Effekte aufweisen und direkt mit 250 Holy Element geliefert werden.

Diese Waffen kommen bei uns automatisch auf +35 Enchantet, um mit normalen Waffen mithalten zu können und sind somit zwischen Dynasty und Icarus angesiedelt von der Stärke.

Icon Waffe Waffentyp P.Atk. M.Atk. Effekt
Infinity Wing Double Blades / Two Handed 1040 498 Divine hero's weapon. During a critical attack, inflicts physical skill silence on the target. Also has a chance of causing skill reflect and increases Max HP/Max MP/Max CP and Critica Rate. Adds holy P.Atk. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Infinity Rod Blunt / One Handed 755 575 Divine hero's weapon. Recovers HP 100%, increases Max MP/Max CP, increases spell Casting Spd., and increases MP Regeneration Rate during magic skill use. Adds holy P.Atk. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Infinity Scepter Blunt / Two Handed 913 605 Divine hero's weapon. Recovers HP 100% and adds holy P. Atk. Has a chance of increasing Max MP, Max CP, M. Atk., and M. Critical Rate, and of decreasing MP consumption and Magic Cances Rate wehile unsing a magic skill. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Infinity Axe Blunt / One Handed 859 498 Divine hero's weapon. During a critical attack, inflicts discord on the target. Also causes damage shield, and increases Max HP/Max MP/Max CP and shield rate. Adds holy P. Atk. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Infinity Crusher Blunt / Two Handed 1040 498 Divine hero's weapon. During a critical attack, inflicts stun on the target. Also has a chance of causing skill reflect and increases Max HP/Max CP and Atk. Spd. Adds holy P. Atk. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Infinity Stinger Dagger / One Handed 793 498 Divine hero's weapon. During a critical attack, inflicts silence on the target. Also causes Vampiric Rage, and increases success rate when using mortal type Skills. Increases Max MP/Max CP, Atk. Spd. and MP Regeneration Rate. Adds holy P. Atk. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Infinity Shooter Crossbow / Two Handed 1053 498 Divine hero's weapon. During a critical attack, inflicts slow on the target. Decreases MP Consumption during skill use, ans increases Max MP/Max CP. Adds holy P. Atk. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Infinity Rapier Rapier / One Handed 810 498 Divine hero's weapon. During a critical attack, casts a P. Def.-decreasing de-buff on the target. Also causes damage shield, and increases Max HP/Max MP/Max CP and shield rate. Adds holy P. Atk. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

There is a chance that party members including yourself will get increased P. Atk., M. Atk., and the amount of recieved heal, and decreased MP consumption per skill during a critical attack

Infinity Sword Ancient Sword / Two Handed 970 498 Divine hero's weapon. During a critical attack, inflicts additional damage on the target. Also has a chance of causing skill reflect and increasing Max HP/Max CP and Critical Damage/Rate. Adds holy P. Atk. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Infinity Bow Bow / Two Handed 1622 498 Divine hero's weapon. During a critical attack, inflicts slow on the target. Also causes Cheap Shot. Decreases reuse delay and increases Max MP/Max CP. Adds holy P. Atk. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Infinity Spear Pole / Two Handed 859 498 Divine hero's weapon. During a critical attack, inflicts cancel on the target. Also has a chance of causing skill reflect and increases Max HP/Max CP, Atk. Spd., and Accuracy. Adds holy P. Atk. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Infinity Cleaver Sword / Two Handed 1040 498 Divine hero's weapon. During a critical attack, inflicts additional damage on the target. Also has a chance of causing skill reflect and increases Max HP/Max CP and Critical Damage/Rate. Adds holy P. Atk. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Infinity Blade Sword / One Handed 859 498 Divine hero's weapon. During a critical attack, casts a P.Def.-decreasing de-buff on the target. Also causes damage shield, increases Max HP/Max MP/Max CP, and Shield Defense. Adds holy P. Atk. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Infinity Fang Fist / Two Handed 638 230 Divine hero's weapon. During a critical attack, inflicts stun on the target. Also has a chance of causing skill reflect, and increases Max HP/Max MP/Max CP and evasion. Adds holy P. Atk. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

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